Aug 23Liked by Alexander Chee

Thank you. I just came back to the Los Angeles two days ago to meet my baby niece from London. It was strange being in London while riots were happening and yet I still gelt safer there - watching videos of a man pulling a chainsaw out of his car and running at a Muslim couple with it in a gas station - than I feel here. There is such a sweet sadness to being here, a home that doesn't feel like home, in an election that doesn't see us, not really.

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Ah. Yes. And those riots broke my heart.

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Aug 23Liked by Alexander Chee

this was great to read. I've lived in the US for a year and I realized recently that each new friendship, each lover, the connections that usually make me secure about my future in a place, feel bittersweet because I can't imagine growing old in this country. Too many guns, not enough social safety nets. And while I love each day here, it feels scary to add them up into years.

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Thank you Julien, I feel that so deeply.

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